13 June 2008

** Thirteen **

Post number 13 on Friday the 13th. Heh. Okay. e-PPDa...gosh we made so much noise the day we went to do the powerpoint. We were practically laughing our heads off man!! I know...typical st marians...cannot shut up. XD. Pn. Raja Aslina!!! I LOVE YOU!! Man she's so niceeee...so sweeeeet...i really wouldn mind her being my mum...<3.>< i went into class today to get my bag and Ramya passes me my paper saying she thinks i deserve a better mark. But really it was kinda low for my average...lawls. Ah...my handwriting sucks. It'll always start out neat and every nice and as i get excited when i write it becomes just scribbles. It was a few grammaticaly mistakes. Most of it was my fugly handwriting. Curses. Anyway i already told my parents i'd screw up my midterms. Woots!!! I love literature!! By far it was the easier =X besides english. Wahahahaha. I wonder how long are my posts...xD
my modem's still busted so i can't do anything about it. It's only about 5000characters. How long could it be?!! Yea i know i'm a crapper. Well, i'm kinda trying real hard not to piss my mum off. For once i'm trying. Or maybe it's jus so in case i need to go out somewhere she wouldn be in the way. One way or another...at least i'm doing something to bridge the gap. Heh...guess where i am right now?! I'm on the roof. Thinking. Staring. Wondering. Daydreaming. Typing. Breathing. Sitting. My mum would kill me if she knew i was here. This has officially become my place to think. My space. Since my room isn't much of my space. It's more of like my horizontal closet...heh...
okay. I've realized. I suck at directed writing. It's like...why the hell did you put me in a box when writing is about expressing yourself through your compositions. I get so many critics at home sayin my stories are lame. And in comes Pn.Judy and my classmates to make me feel happy about my writting. <3. Love ya lots...^^ outs~

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