17 July 2008

** Thirty Three **

i think i really need a time out... im tired!!!!!
i am overworked
i am exhausted
i dont have time to do anything i love anymore
i am a zombie
i am a robot
here's my daily routine now
...get up
...brush teeth
...get dressed
...go downstairs
...pack bag
...get into the car
...half asleep
...get to school
...go through the canteen
...into the hallway
...drag feet up the stairs
...drag self to class
...wait for recess
....crap with classmate
...recess eat
....line up
....go to class
....crap again
....go home
....sit down
...get frustrated
...trashes manuscript paper
...goes to the comp
...sits there
...cracks brain
...practises music
....practises taekwondo
...too tired
...eat dinner
more or less thats what my life has been for the past few weeks
in out in out
excluding the tuition and curicular activities
so i apologize for not updating everyday...
im very so very tired...
i need a partner for the JAMC thingy
anyone out there want to partner?!?!?!
i really cant do 3 on my own
this i admit
and i really need help
big time
i have no inspiration thats one
i have no idea how de hell do i do it
i have 2 months to do this...
owh crap
that aint much of a time
somehow i feel like a real idiot when i stand amongst the contestants
like im so sakaii liddat
they were staring one kind
i was staring one kind
curses im such an idiot
ok i get started soon
so dont balme me for not updating again....
busy busy busy~
you know what happens when i get home
i drop myself onto the bed
and i really do just fall asleep
you know like instantly
yeah in my school uniform i slept
all the way til 5 or 6
and then i take my bath
and i still feel tired
then its dinner
i seriously need time to stop
so that i can fill my energy bar again
so here i am..
trying to feel life
though im such a robot right now
meep~! meep~! meep~!
for once i really want to live in a bubble
away from all this
it's TOO MUCH!!!!!
saturday is open day
so ears~
prepare to face the music

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